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Lay off the weed, my dude

I say we could extend this to humans.

Do you propose letting nature run its course(and not intervene) or intervene in a way we will accelerate things towards its desired state
To some extent we do although "our" institutions, our use of technology and how we distribute resources play role.

I mean, in all honestly, we humans are already going through the process of "forced evolution". Our climate is changing and so is our natural resilience. We shoot ourselves with vaccines to upgarde our immunitary constitution against invisible enemies. Even our lifestyles are preparing us for new ways of living...

But I see what you mean. Yes, in the name of science, we should start doing some insane shit like teaching octopi how to write and monkeys how to speak. Or maybe yeah, ignoring our moral boundries and just grabbing a species and geneticaly altering its entire anatomy. I wanna see humanoid dolphins walking around town someday.

We humans were born to change Earth. It is our fate. Either you want to or not, you're a gear in the great machine of Babylon. You are affecting Mother Nature. You are turning Her into a Frankenstein. We are.

So what I guess I'm saying is yes, let's change things. Gaia takes too much time to create while we, Her children, take just a handful of months. She forced our hand at this point.

The problem with "in the name of science" is how quickly we drop our skepticism and rationality whilst still calling it science.
A large portion of the covid deaths were from old age and morbid obesity(within days of a covid test)
: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7314621/#CR6
: From March 1 through 30, 2020, there were a total of 180 patients on COVID-NET, of which 89.3% of the patients had an underlying comorbidity [6]. Of the 180 patients, 94.4% aged 65 years and older had at least comorbidity [6]. The most common comorbidities found were obesity, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus

vaccines can work better on some diseases more than others but if a disease quickly mutates and is capable of adapting to antibodies created by the vaccine we need to be rational.
its perhaps a one in a million chance of that happening but the chances of this resistant mutation happening increases at the same rate that the odds of the wild virus encountering the obstacle we have built for it.

If we put this obstacle in only people likely to be severely affected the odds of a resistant variant and spread are slimier, this coupled with how the disease is not particularly severe.

Somebody with AIDS is less likely to die from it than somebody morbidly obese

yet fearmongers are pushing the idea that we need to stay locked down forever and and hunt down the last few people who have said no to the vaccine.

that will do 2 things
increase the probability of resistant variants
(defeating the objective of the vaccination program)
Make people less trusting of the medical establishment
(when you've been in the 5th year of lockdown and got your 76th booster jab and then the news says a 97 year old died so we have to lockdown again you might just snap)

We are doing irreparable harm to nature but the monstrosity we have created is turning us into Dodos

Oh, what, the virus? Bruh I thought we were talking about something interesting for once. I've been bluepilled, redpilled, green orange yellowpilled about the virus for SO FUCKING LONG that I rather not talk about it. If you wanna talk about actual scientific progress, y'know who to talk to. Now, if it's this shit forget about it.

I do We need to distinguish between Science and Scientism,
One lead by analysis, scrutiny and testing of data the other by dogma.

We had religion for almost all of human history and the behavior patterns of religious types both negative and positive are still around, we are on the cusp of getting to the next Salem witch trials.

It could be about Radical Feminism, Extreme-MGTOW, "Wokeisim " Coronatarianism etc
we still have mob mentality and pitchforks and torches and we also see preachers giving sermons in all of these.

To preserve Science is to defeat Pseudoscience and Scientism(the treating of science as an oracle rather than instrument of testing)

1- I'm atheist. There's a certain religion that's been slowing down Humanity's progress for a long time and boy-oh-boy am I not afraid to rant about them.

2- Using those made-up terms makes you look like a toddler making up names for things they see on TV they don't understand.

... Holdup, it's exactly what's happening!

3- Fuck Dogma. Besides being the most bullshit boss in Isaac, it's a real medieval fucking thing. The next online bishop that tells me what I can and can't do with myself will get their hypothetical nuts/labia removed.

Just trying to be descriptive perhaps i should have chosen better terms.
I am also an atheist but i do however believe that we have types of people that cannot cope without religion.
Im convinced we have the same percentage of the population atheist as we did in the 1950s only a large portion of the people who identify as atheist have actually merely converted to a more nonformal religion

Thunderf00t did good coverage of how secular things get corrupted by this new religion

although he did not quite state it had become a religion you can see in his extensive coverage of this it is on full display.