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straberrykiler6789's News

Posted by straberrykiler6789 - November 3rd, 2022

Now goodbye, Forever!



Posted by straberrykiler6789 - August 21st, 2021

With one bump into his infinity chastity belt half of the cam-whores completely disappeared!



Posted by straberrykiler6789 - August 19th, 2021

Alright its been 14 years since I made my Newgrounds account


Recent years I have been too busy with work and had a bit of irl stuff that was absolutely depressing in 2018 – 2019 and then well, the years after that need no introduction.

Few other things but I hadn’t managed to do anything creative worth uploading here although now that ive settled down as much as I can with the current mess we all live in maybe I might get the ball rolling again, ive even got a better job bought my own house and might be able to resume one of my half baked shelved projects eventually.


With any luck although I just end up procrastinating too much for that to materialize.


Thusly my irl life is going mediocre but my internet presence is pretty much in shambles atm

So I need your advice


Do I save money to set aside to cover my expenses if my income were to drop unexpectedly?

Do I invest in things that will save me money in the long run by reducing the amount I must spend on utilities?

Or do I make the strongest investments?


oh and something something about my projects online


Posted by straberrykiler6789 - July 19th, 2021

Ok, I’m a dumbass. Believe it or not, my kids & I were trying to convince my wife that ‘tentacle porn’ existed. I tried to find some to show her it was real. But I couldn’t find any — & ended up w/ this. My family reads my twitter feed, so they know this is true

— Kurt Eichenwald


Posted by straberrykiler6789 - July 12th, 2021

When we overuse antibiotics to kill bacterial infections:

Bacterial infections develop immunity via Darwinian selection

Solution use antibiotics sparingly to avoid this and in a more targeted way.


When we overuse weed killer to kill unwanted plants

Weeds develop immunity via Darwinian selection

Solution use herbicides sparingly to avoid this and in a more targeted way


When we overuse poisons to kill unwanted animals that are pests:

We get animals that adapt to it via Darwinian selection


Above examples are of species that are slow to adapt however something known to mutate quickly would achieve immunity to countermeasures more quickly.




Posted by straberrykiler6789 - July 8th, 2021

Curious if anybody interested in my projects, so why not post.

Been a while since I posted anything and been looking to dust something off and get going again but just end up procrastinating.

Lots of unfinished projects but just cant bring myself to do much outside of work,

Got some software developed but not done much besides renew the domain a few times, got some animations witch have been on hiatus for nearly 2 years and still got a bunch of project ideas.

Been working 7 days a week 2 jobs, moved for work left most of my stuff at my dads house to pick once id moved into my unfurnished house, its been so long that I was able to save up and buy the house off my former landlord before im able to visit my relatives, still cant.

Moving into a house without furniture isn’t so bad, you can just go and buy furniture its not as if they are going to declare furniture shops “nonessential” and shut them down.

Dentists were shut down for a few months and as luck would have it most of my fillings fell out and a few teeth went painful, anything other than extraction was verboten.

Just bored and depressed right now because its been groundhog day, every day is nearly identical.


That being said I might be blowing the dust off some unfinished projects and getting something new put out although I can’t promise anything.


Had my hands full with housework, here’s something I cut off my facia board next to the wood I replaced it with and a caulking gun for size comparison.



Sick of the lockdown and you cannot get rid of the virus even if you achieved the impossible 100% take up, look at Marek's disease for a case study in Darwinian evolution.

that being said all the vulnerable people who want the vaccine have ever taken it or opted out so if there want perverse incentives to keep locking down so by all means we should have been out of this bullshit long ago

‘s gonna be extended again and again until some notable backlash takes place and these is quite a lot of resources they can burn through before we get to that point.



Posted by straberrykiler6789 - August 19th, 2018

Coming out of the woodwork again, you haven’t seen much of me but that’s for 2 reasons im very busy on my animations, actually very busy doing nothing most of the time!

a VERY close relative is going to die from cancer and it is the view of her doctor this will happen within more or less 1 year, besides this and as i am working full time, often working longer than 14 hours for some shifts i just plain dont have the energy to get much done.

Yes im still working in this, the collab I announced but never set a date for is off (for now)

the reason i never set a date was because i wasn’t sure when I would be able to manage the whole thing and I didn’t want somebody to produce some great content but not be able to use it with the art style because of something I forgot to mention.




And the flash plugin thing, to meet the 2020 deadline i did find a freelancer, work is good but progress is slow,

not making flash im making the system for loading flash and aim for compatibility with complex things that use multiple files rather than self contained swfs.

for sitelocked files the code is usually in the first 5 frames skip that and 70% of the time the games you backed up on your hard disk will be fine,

Check my posts in Flash 2020 and the future as for bigger challenges like broken mochi media thingy not letting you play that requires you emulate much of the backend of a browser (NON HTML RENDERING COMPONENTS)

Some bugs that we need to overcome before we are at that stage here are some examples of complex sites

https://github.com/lightspark/lightspark/wiki/Site-Support  also don’t forget Oddcast made some awesome flash sites and as things stand only one seems to have survived

http://host-d.oddcast.com/php/application_UI/doorId=137/clientId=49/    for this, ton of things we need to emulate before this can be run offline(it must be tricked into believing its online) this technically already happens since SWFs are indeed run from your browser cache(hence browser backend)




Posted by straberrykiler6789 - November 14th, 2017

I am still planning to make that App for flash there is a bug i need to fix but I haven’t abandoned it I just need to get round to fixing it.

Yes I am doing another minus thing the third comic to be precise,

Didn’t put the whole animation of the balloon guy in the gif because it wouldn’t loop as well, he should have a bunch of balloons in his hand that’s why he is in that position


This is an animation test I am also planning to do another animation but its waay more complicated than this.

All of the above is unrelated to the collab I may or may not be initiating



With these 3 projects all going on at the same time its hard decide how to allocate my time best, also I keep procrastinating so that doesn’t help.

Somebody had a great idea for an animation which I quite liked, but with these other projects its impossible so I thought I might take a more directorial role on this and start a collab,

Once I have talked it over with the author of the comic first but she knows the creator so we might be able to make it an “Official” animation.

I will post details when the situation develops but I might even be able to bring people to newgrounds with this collab.

If anybody is interested check back in a month.


Posted by straberrykiler6789 - September 29th, 2017

First Award so i unlocked posting to front page, i cant resist I must give it a go!!

Not much to say i didnt say in my previous post so i will just link to that rather than repeat myself


Anyway i won an award for my flash and as much as i am glad to it just eats away at me the portal is so empty right now.


so i am going to start makeing content again but we need to get the audience back,

And dont worry about how mediocre my flash was i assure you thats an animation test/pilot for something bigger!


Im not putting this on Youtube!



And i plan on making this a policy for my future content, and this time im making stuff that’s not shit(relatively speaking)

But I’ve got a question to propose because I feel like arguing

With all the YouTube channels disappearing due to SJW Google could we get the more "Provocative" content creators here?

Its offensive therefore edgy thus cool and they have an audience should we have an outreach or would this do more harm than good?

We have a moral panic thus interest in such content has skyrocketed due to the Streisand effect

Dont forget newgrounds was full of blatantly offensive content but SJW's can remove beat up Anita Sarwhatsherface

yet in the past...



Maybe thats whats missing the mischief

People forgot what it was like to fight the religious right restricting free speech

and taking up the same fight with people who have the same goals in needed now more than ever.


eh this is just ramblings nevermind!


Posted by straberrykiler6789 - September 28th, 2017


Ok so I have 3 things to discuss

1. Animated adaptation of minus

2. My Computer program for browser plugins

3. Upcoming website planning it to launch by February, has a few different things and I have some other people who may be working on it too.


Firstly i have done an animation of minus


I originally considered doing warbot in accounting but i shelved it and months later kiwisbybeat went offline and i got involved in saving it.

I couldn’t think of any original ideas and i wanted to come back to newgrounds, just because ive done fuck all here doesn’t mean ive given up or diapered, I don’t plan on taking any pages out of the French book



but I do have other projects in mind, even so i have plans to do another animation




i am still going to be making the plugin app but i need to test a ton of shit and do some research to get something working,

However you can download a demonstrational program (Requires flash OCX)



this ties in with a website i am planning for 2018 which will host a few things but also track other projects and help people mirror small sites and give them what they need to bring in old fans who may have content they don’t.


I will see about doing another minus animation but If anybody’s interested I may be directing another one if I can find anybody interested in making that happen  but I do want to get a particular look to it.


Minus was meant to look like an early 20th century comic strip so I think emulating the look of 1930s – 1980s animation particularly the earlier high production value ones and later imitators such as Ren and Stimpy Don Hertzfeld  would help achieve that look.


Imagine minus in this style

if you havent heard of minus see this



that’s the one mirror i don’t control besides the mega folder but i do plan on getting a site soon and reconstructing the mirror from scratch once i have finished the other features of my site.

especially important now We are moving over to HTTPS