incase you did not know 21st Century Is FUCKING AFTER 1999
Even wikipedia says
"pornography had been traded over the Internet since the 1980s"
"92% of men and 62% of women have masturbated during their lifespan"
We have all heard about Windows 98
The fact that windows 98 was distributed WITH A WEB BROWSER And some versions of windows NT4/95 also
proves the fact that the internet was not a 21st Century invention
And saying that the internet is The Most important Invention of the 21st Century is complete bullshit for 2 reasons
not launched in 21st Century
There are more important inventions for example COMPUTER/SERVER without this the internet would be unusable
Most important Invention of the 21st Century can not be decided until its over ost-important-Invention-of-the-21st-Ce ntury-confusedcom/86341
historically inaccurate and possibly even sexist I still say they have the right to free speech
as do i so i am exercising this right "Before it is destroyed by some moronic religion"
by saying above
I say this because some morons believe anything they see on tv