I HATE Anorexic BASTARDS Trying to dictate How we live
Some of these fucks weigh less than A Keyboard
Why are people bitching about fat kids btw
so what if kids are fat What is the big deal They may be happy with it
and there parents are probably fat too
So let them be fat
stop taking away kids from there parents for being fat
and stop forcing them to be thin
I am fucking sick of people ruining things for every one
and using Cacomorphobia as an excuse
I saw a documentary a while ago where this Very thin female possibly Anorexic
was going to shops and reading product labels and even calling up the companies and the sugar bureau and bitching at them
You need Fats and sugars in your annual meal bitch
at the end she reached the conclusion that its up to the consumer to decide what to buy
she was upset as she clearly hates freedom and choice
fuck all Health Nazis i like the German Nazis better
I'm not fat but if i was i would
A. NOT give a shit
B. Lose some fucking weight
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jU5QjV KeXg
My problem is the constant Fucking with products
Bloody bastards Stealing toys from kids
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39991380/n s/health-diet_and_nutrition/
and making every product have
Less sugar, less taste, Les nutrition & flavor
Read the god damn labels on your own shopping and buy ones with less fats
Instead of trying to force all the companies to change there recipes
so nobody can have a choice
I want good tasty food
I don't care if it makes me fat and i don't care if it makes me dead
as long as it is not some "Healthy" Crap that tastes like Shit
Sorry to see that this is winding you up so much. Being a bit overweight is not a problem, as you say. Obesity, though, is a whole different ballgame. It is what people are really affraid of and it is spreading fast.
The trouble is, though, that health 'experts' don't really seem to know what is bad for us anyway. I don't believe that saturated fat is bad for us, and I DO think that unatural, polyunsatured oils made from artificially treating plants IS bad. I think we should be careful about the sugar we consume. I worry that it is in so many things we eat- not just sweet things. I share your concern that freedom of choice is in danger here, especially since they seem to change their minds year after year.
One year they say stay out of the sun- next year they say we need the vitamin D, so get some sunshine!
I say its probably best to be kind of medium and not live an extreme life- I'm slim and I watch my weight, but putting on a few pounds is NOT a crime!
i just think people are entitled to there own choice of what they cram into there face
and they steal toys from kids