i have made an action packed 8 and a half minuet movie
its the story of a fat guy who starts the national association for the advancement of fat people.
however the kkk wants to purify the gene pool by removing fat people from it
the kkk takes most of the members of the NAAFP to there hideout
the leader of the kkk wants to steal half life 2 episode 3 from under GabeNs man boob
and only let members of the kkk play it thus causing a spike in membership
fatman confronts the kkk leader and fights but he is defeated and all hope seems lost
he trys to run away but he cant give up he decides to try again
and defeats the kkk and its leader
a close friend of the kkk leader burys the kkk leader in the native American burial ground near the pet cemetery
it was inspired by this thread
i had a lot of fun making this
and i hope you enjoy it too
so here it is